Monday, February 22, 2010

1411 left.....

I still remember that in my childhood i feared to go to bushy areas as i was afraid
that a tiger may come and attack me. Like me there are many children who used
to feel the same . Today their very own Dens are empty forget about the bushes
Tigers have been the theme of many stories , films and paintings but todays scenario states that may be this magnificent animal will stay as a fantasy is in the
days to come .The royal bengal tiger which used to be a fear for people , is itself
scared of people today . we are on a verge of loosing one of our country's priced
possesion in the hands of some greedy bastards who for their own selfish needs
and hobby or whatever the crap be has put this spieces on the verge of getting
EXTINCT . so we have to start thinking of a day without these magnificent
beasts .people lets come together and try to save a name which has been linked
in innumerable stories by our parents , grandparents ,authors and the list can continue......SAVE OUR TIGERS